


  • 公司: 昆山堤维西节能照明科技有限公司
  • 地址: 江苏 苏州
  • 联系: 陈林
  • 手机: 13405166690
  • 一键开店

Kunshan TYC is one of the main company of Taiwan TYC Group in China, and be full supported by Taiwan corporation. (台湾堤维西在国内的主要的营运公司之一,且台湾总公司倾尽全力支持昆山堤维西发展)The location is in Kunshan City, nearby the Shanghai, location is very superior, traffic is very convenient. (地处昆山市玉山镇高新开发区灯塔路99号,地理位置优越,交通通讯便利)To combine with Taiwan TYC’s sales strategy, KS TYC had already developed interior and oversea Auto Lamp aftersales market . (配合台湾母公司的销售策略,已开发国内外车灯售后市场)Contiunous to run VA/VE and global purchasing to cost down and keep a competitive cost. (持续进行VA/VE,并进行全球采购,成本更具有竞争力)Taiwan TYC had more experiences in OEM\OES, and will transfer to Kunshan TYC when it continuous development in the future. (总公司有着多年OEM,OES开发能力,随着昆山堤维西发展,将进行技术转移)With multiple pipe research and development design, to meet customers requirement. (拥有多重研发设计管道,可以满足客户需求)Taiwan TYC focus on development of domestic automotive lamp market, to match the lamp sales strategy in the future. (台湾母公司着力开发国内车灯市场,以配合未来车灯销售策略)KS TYC had a strong R&D and cross-function projection team. (拥有厂内研发能力和跨职能的项目管理团队)KS TYC had passed the CCC, CQC, ISO9001 certificated, and continuous to standardization and automation, and continuous improve the quality and efficiency . (已通过CCC、CQC、ISO9001、等相关荣誉资质,并借由制程标准化与自动化,不断提升成品质量与制程效率)Geographically located in low cost labor area while still less than 100km to Shanghai Port, Close the major Highways. (地处劳动力成本较低地区,离上海港不过100公里,毗邻主要高速干道) Import the ISO/TS16949 quality system in 2016, to meet customer expectations. (预计于2016年导入ISO/TS16949认证,以满足顾客的期望)



  • 主营: 汽车大灯,尾灯
  • 地址: 江苏 苏州
  • 联系: 陈林
  • 手机: 13405166690
  • 本站共被浏览过 1712 次

